Privacy Policy 
This privacy policy document applies to anyone who contacts the company or individual whose commercial activity is presented on this website through it. The collected data is limited to information strictly necessary for the processing of your case and is treated with the utmost respect. We prioritize the storage and processing of your data with the highest regard for privacy protection. We are committed to safeguarding your personal data and not using it improperly or disclosing it to others, handling it with discretion. 
We inform you about the use made of your data and the manner in which it is collected; your trust is important to us. Below are the principles regarding privacy and the respect for your privacy and data in effect on this website. 
Processing of Personal Data 
We place the utmost importance on the protection of your personal data. The processing of your personal data is carried out in strict compliance with the applicable legislation, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 
Who is Responsible for Data Processing? 
The company or individual mentioned in the contact details on this site is responsible for data processing. 
On What Legal Basis is the Data Processing Based? 
The processing of personal data is necessary for the performance of our tasks of public interest or the exercise of public authority, or for the execution of a contract to which the data subject is a party, or for the execution of pre-contractual measures at the request of the data subject, or for compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject as the data controller, or for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by us as the data controller. When you mandate us to perform a task or when you submit a specific request, the processing of your data may also be based on your consent. 
Our processing of personal data is based on the following legal bases: 
Processing of personal data collected via our website: 
Legal basis: Your consent. 
Processing for the purpose of providing information to requesting parties and/or their representatives: 
Sending occasional emails related to the activities of our business, the services offered, responding to inquiries or offers, sending commercial offers, etc. 
Legal basis: Our legitimate interest. 
What Categories of Personal Data Are Processed? 
We process the following categories of personal data: 
Personal identification data: name, address, contact information (phone number, email address). 
Electronic identification data through the use of the website and online applications: IP address, cookies, login times. 
To Whom Can We Communicate Your Personal Data? 
We do not share your personal data unless required by law. 
How Long Are Your Personal Data Retained? 
They are retained indefinitely until you request the deletion of such data or until they are no longer useful for the aforementioned purposes. 
What Are Your Rights? 
In accordance with the applicable legislation, you have rights with regard to the processing of your personal data. 
The right to access your data. 
If you wish to access the data we process about you, you can exercise your right of access, and we will provide you with the most comprehensive overview possible of your data. 
The right to rectify your data. 
It may happen that certain data we hold about you is incorrect or no longer accurate. You can always request that this data be corrected or completed. 
The right to request the deletion of your data. 
If you believe that the processing of certain data is inappropriate, you can request that this data be deleted by contacting us directly via email. 
The right to object to your data being processed automatically. 
We do not carry out any data processing in a fully automated manner without human intervention. 
How to Exercise Your Rights or Obtain More Information? 
Please be precise in your request so that we can process it in a concrete and correct manner. When you exercise a right, we may ask you to prove your identity to prevent someone else from exercising your rights on your behalf. Therefore, a copy of your identity card may be requested. To exercise your rights or obtain more information about this, you must contact the data controller via the contact information displayed on the contact page of this site. 
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